The term "demonologist" is one being seen more frequently, however, it does not always mean the same thing. This most serious form of paranormal investigation requires careful handling and much caution. Call them "demons", "evil spirits" or "dark entitites" - they all spell trouble for the people involved and to the potenital investigators. They are known to often endanger those who study or investigate them. They frequently provide such a strong negative influence that the only word possible is "possession." There is an excellent article about this subject at TAPS. The article explores issues of professionalism, study, and how to handle the religious beliefs of others in demonic cases.
Hudson Interviewed on Un-X News
9 months ago
How do you handle a black shadow with red eyes? What is the best way to get rid of it. My friend recently moved into a house that had a pentagram painted on the wall, and he just painted over it
Is your freind still having trouble?
Paranormal Investigator, Councilor, and Demonologist
A friend needs help in Morris Oklahoma. Advised to get ordained demonologist. Anyone local enough to help?
A friend needs help in Morris Oklahoma. Advised to get ordained demonologist. Anyone local enough to help?
My husband needs help he is under demonic possession we just moved to Cherokee ok and they keep trying to get him to kill himself please we need help ASAP before something really bad happens and these demons keep attacking me and our daughters we will wake up with brusis that wasn't there the day before please email me back please
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